We have been in California the last 12 days so that's why my posts have been lacking. I'm sure you all were on the edge of your seats! I was tempted to talk about going on the trip, but broadcasting that your house is empty is frowned upon!
We had a blast. My mom and dad go to Palm Springs every winter and we like to follow them there, invite ourselves in and eat all their food. And they love it! This was Kort's first time but Grey has been 5 times! Spending so much time in a hotel can be challenging with younger kids. We stay in a house with my parents, but then we drove to San Diego, from there to L.A. and Anaheim.
Grey was so obsessed with going to Disney, we never heard the end of it! Because the kids are so small we would of never planned a trip just to there. But since we were right there we decided to go for it! After paying roughly 5 million dollars to get in, we hit the ground running! If you've been before, did you find it a bit overwhelming? It was hotter than hell and if you know me, you'll know my kids and I are "powder's". Complexion of a snowman. I took both the kids on the carousel by myself, thinking it was a short line. Wrong. As I discovered there is no such thing. Once we turned the millionth corner and got out of the shade it was almost game over for the powder's and I. I swear we almost perished in that line. A lady was pushing her way to the front to "get with her husband" and then let herself through a closed-off rope to get to the front. I almost took her hostage. We made it to the god damn horses and Grey picked his fav. While helping him on I almost lost Kort's horse to an adult couple on there with no kids. What the....I made them go away and be creepy on the other side. After standing in the sun for an hour we enjoyed all 25 seconds of that ride!! :)
Being that Kort is only 19 months, saying that he was a terrorist there is an understatement. Things went downhill after the carousel incident. All Grey wanted was to see the superhero thing. It was over at 5 and we were cutting it close. Back in line we go. This one was short for real, and it started in 10 minutes. How bad could that be? Don't ever ask yourself that. Kort went through a fantastic series of back arches, head bunts, running away and glass shattering screaming. I was livin' the dream. I couldn't bare to break Grey's heart by leaving, so we stuck it out and tolerated the death stares from everyone! It was worth it because he got chosen by Thor to be in the show and it was awesome!
Happiness restored, back arches gone.
Don't even try to think you'll just whip out your neatly packed container of carrots and celery. That's not cuttin' it, girlfriend. Pull out the big guns for success. :) We hit a second wind after we dropped a good $100 on assorted deep fried items and drinks for supper, and the sun went down!
It's very hard to stick to a healthy diet in a place like that. And after a long day like that one, I frankly don't care. You'll burn it off on the 10k you're about to jog, looking for Buzz Lightyear.
We got in at around 3 am on Saturday night, and man was that hard! Flight arrived at 11:30 in Calgary then we still had to drive 2 hours home. In the snow and fog while we still smelled like sun screen and were wearing flippy floppies. Painful as it comes. I may of shed a tear or 50. I just managed to drag myself to get groceries today so I'll be back on the cooking tomorrow. Tonight we just had some chicken burgers on the bbq and the cauliflower potato salad I posted last time. Because I've developed a brief crack habit with that! Just like my apparent new addiction to Starbucks Java Chip coffee. For real. I may require an intervention. The fact that they are double the price here as they are in Cali may help me beat it, however! :)
I'm posting a picture of the finished product of this spice loaf and a link to the recipe. That's all I can pull together tonight. Look forward this week to turkey meatloaf with horseradish glaze, almond flour cookies 3 ways, jalapeno glazed chicken thighs and a tomato cream sauce for spaghetti squash or zucchini noodles!
Pumpkin Spice Loaf
www.sexfoodandkettlebells.com , then look under desserts and there you'll see this fab and easy recipe!
I forgot to take a pic of the frosting, but it was fab. I didn't frost the whole loaf because I wanted to send it to school for Grey. I just whipped it and kept in the fridge until I wanted it then let it sit on the counter for a few minutes and just roughed it up with a fork if needed!
The loaf was awesome and so moist. And as always, makes your house smell amazing! Enjoy!