How is your week going? Pretty much back to normal around here. Have you seen that commercial where the lady gets out of her car in the snowy driveway, shuffles her way on the ice and then whacks the snowman on her way by? That's a good one, and I think it pretty much sums up how everyone is feeling at this point! It has been in the minus 20's or more for what seems like forever and it isn't easy being stuck inside with the kids like this! Which is why baby Jesus himself brought us nap time and wine. My opinion, anyways. :)
Lots of people have been asking me for ideas on healthier treats and dessert ideas. A lot of times when I make this kind of stuff it's when we have company over. So it's vital for me to try these things out on my family first! Or my good friend, Tereece! She has been subjected to random plates and containers full of things that I force her to take and try, and report back. I trust these people to give me an honest opinion and I hope they do!
These are a great choice because they have low glycemic, natural sweetener in them with no refined sugar or grains. Now don't go scarfing down 12 just because I said it was a healthier version! The whole point is everyone wants a treat once in a while. So try making a better choice with natural, real food ingredients.
I have been holding on to this muffin recipe for a while, and Grey needed some fresh snacks for school this week now that it's back in session. I learned 2 things from this recipe. One being even if you grease the crap out of a pan, things could still stick. And two, it's not wrong to just eat the topping out of the bowl with a spoon. To test it..... obviously.
I didn't use liners in the pan because I don't usually. Mistake for these ones. The bottoms on most of them stuck to the damn pan, and the rest were like preforming open heart surgery on to get them out alive. One thing was for sure, they were heaven to eat. I fed the ugly, bottomless ones to Kort (because he's 19 months, he smashes everything anyways) and then sent Grey with the good ones! I have a reputation to uphold for god sakes... :))
I don't handle failure very well in the cooking department. In fact, it may or may not give me serious rage! I stared at the muffin tin for a few minutes, with all the crumbs and the massacre of trying to get those buggers out. I pretended for a while that I wasn't going to try them again to get them better. Well, that lasted the usual 5 minutes and the oven was back on! Don't judge me. Much better using parchment paper muffin liners. And the taste is still so awesome! Both batches are all gone 24 hours later. I win. :)
Cinnamon Bun Muffins:
You need:
muffin batter:
1/2 cup coconut flour (don't sub this, it's not near the same as other flours)
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp sea salt
4 eggs
1/3 cup milk of choice OR plain greek yogurt- (that's what I used)
1/2 cup raw honey
Topping mix:
2 tbsp ground cinnamon
4 tbsp pure maple syrup (honey could be subbed)
2 tbsp melted butter or coconut oil (measure after melting)
1/4 cup chopped nuts (optional) I didn't use them because I didn't feel like watching Grey gag at them for half the day....)
Pre heat oven to 350
In a large bowl, combine coconut flour, baking soda and salt. Blend well.
Add the eggs, milk and honey. Blend well with a hand mixer, until smooth. Let the batter sit about 5 minutes so the flour can soak up the moisture.
Make your topping mix by combining all ingredients in a small bowl until smooth.
Fill your muffin tins no more than 3/4 full with batter. (don't forget your liners!!)
Using a tea spoon, spoon some topping onto each muffin. Using a toothpick, swirl the topping into each well so that's it's mixed through. (sprinkle nuts on now if using)
Into the oven for 20-24 minutes, until a tooth pick comes out clean. Mine were about 22 minutes. Let cool then transfer to wire racks to set. Enjoy the crap out of these little gems!
Note: in the original recipe it gets you to layer the the batter, then topping, then more batter. Then swirl with the toothpick. The second time I made these I didn't do that, as it seems like an extra step for me? You're already swirling it through anyways, why bother layering. Ain't nobody got time for that........
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