Good evening! How is everyone? Making any good things lately?
We went to the last Farmer's Market of the year today, and I realized it really will be winter soon. I am in total denial. Although we have had some awesome weather here, so I'm still clinging to hope!
Things have been as usual over here, nothing too crazy going on . We only have one kid in school/sports this year so we aren't running around insane, like a lot of our friends are! And I'm thankful for that! So far...
I am always looking for new ideas for recipes, or things that are dirty and wrong and could use a makeover! If you have any ideas or requests let me know and I'll work on them! I have started doing a small (and I mean small) side business where some of my peeps have ordered things from me and I have supplied them with a "freezer stock". Loaves, muffins, pancakes, peanut butter cups, granola bars and protein balls, things like that. Things busy moms and families can throw into the freezer and take out for school days, sports, whatever. So far it's been fun, and once my kids are older and not allllllll up in my 'bizzzzznesss, it might be something I can make a bit bigger. But for now, my girlfriends are stuck with being told to "taste this" or being forced to accept a random plate of food and give me their opinion on it!
I am always looking for healthy, quick ideas for the morning or after school. It can be pretty hard to grab a good thing when you are running from kid to kid and sport to sport! I love these granola bars because I can make them up so fast, they freeze well and they are full of whole, clean ingredients. Not to mention my kids love them, and anything my youngest doesn't chew for a split second and then spit out all over the floor, is something I'll make more than once!
Now, make this!!!...............
Protein Granola Bars
You Need:
1 cup almond butter (or peanut butter) (can use sunflower seed butter for nut free)
1 big scoop or around 3oz chocolate or vanilla protein powder (could omit if desired)
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
1 tsp pure vanilla
2 eggs
2 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut (can omit if desired)
1 tsp baking soda
pre-heat oven to 350
In a large mixing bowl add your nut butter, maple syrup and protein powder. Use a hand mixer on medium and mix to combine. Beat in eggs one at a time. You should have a fairly smooth batter. Don't overmix.
Stir in the rest of your ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon until totally combined.
I use a drop bottom pan, meaning the squares come out on the bottom of the pan as it comes away from the rest of the pan. Like a springform pan. Use whatever you have that will be the easiest to cut them from after. Think 9x13 or slightly smaller
Grease your pan well. Slightly wet your hands and dump the mixture into the pan. Pat the mix down until smooth and evenly distributed. Damp hands will prevent your mix from sticking to your hands like fuzzy winter mittens. :)
Into the oven for 9-11 minutes. Watch them! I burnt the death out of them once, in a very short amount of time! Mine have never been more than 11 minutes. Top and edges should be golden brown.
Cool completely and then cut into desired amount. Store covered, either on the counter or in the fridge depending how you prefer them. Enjoy!!!
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